Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fake Antivirus Programs

Introduction to Fake-Anti virus:
Now in these days very dense amount of Fake Anti-viruses have been observed. The main reason behind that is the malware authors wants to earn money.
Few months a go i read an articles of a malware researcher. According to him now in these days mostly attacks are financially motivated.
Recently a found a fake anti-virus which on install reports Absent viruses on hard-disk. Then fake anti-virus asks for registration to remove those malwares.

Properties of Fake AntiVirus Programs:
  • They have very very small in size, not more than 2 MB.
  • They install automatically without the user interaction.
  • They will start scanning the files without your command.
  • They have extremely beautiful GUI and icons to cheat users.

Detect A Fake-Antivirus
The thing which is found common among all fake antivirus programs is that they point out the virus/worms etc, there names as well, but they don't tell you the location of that infected files as you can see in the following images.

When you click the Red button to remove it will take to the site and ask you to pay money before cleaning them.

Pop-Up and Messages:-
They will also annoy you after showing you lot's of pop-ups like this.

And when you minimize that fake antivirus it will show this message.