Monday, June 22, 2009

How Malware Run in Safe Mode?

This info is for education purposes, i m not responsible for that if you use it for illegal purposes.

Windows offers the useful option of “Safe Mode” to recover from any damage caused by various malfunctions in the system. Booting in Safe Mode loads limited drivers and services that are required for the basic operation of the system, but avoids adding many extras that complicate the environment.
In general, Safe Mode is very helpful in recovering the system from malware infections. However, malware can exploit this feature by loading in Safe Mode, thus creating great difficulties for users and administrators in recovering from these infections.

How they run in Safe Mode?

The services and drivers that load in Safe Mode are listed under the following registry key(s):


If malware gains control of the system, it can add its entry under the above key(s) to load during a Safe Mode boot. This type of malware is difficult to remove manually; you’ll need an anti-virus product to detect and clean such malware.

Safety Precautions :-

Always practice anti-virus which is the first step in keeping your computers clean, and keep your anti-virus signatures updated.